just been staying home for the past two days really. but i love it! why?because i get to eat three times a day, i'm with my folks, unlimited internet connection and cable tv!woohoo! these i missed a lot so i'm embracing it because for the next five days i'm off to iligan again for our review.geez...
so for the past two days i've been...
watching tv mostly catching on myx and mtv where i get to listen top hits of today and i'm liking james morrison more with his top 2 song 'broken strings', a duet with nelly furtado, on mtv's top ten today (i think). love his voice, their blending, the rhythm and the lyrics is hurting but i guess it's better that way than faking it, making it more painful (i dont know if i'm getting the lyrics right.let me interpret a picture and i'll do just fine not with songs, phrases especially foreign and deep..haha..;p). actually, i came across him through Kyle XY series. his song 'you make it real for me' was used as an episode score. nice song. the series do really have nice tracks. i must go check out the scorer so i could also check what he's worked on. for sure it also have some good tracks. here's a single of morrison i liked as well that i'm sure i've heard somewhere.
so through Morrison, i got to know girls aloud in which they sang the song 'Broken Strings' together. i like the bob of nicola roberts (pic below). it's short and looks good with volume. great for summer. i'm thinking of cutting my hair just before leaving that's why.

been uploading pics of recent events at my multiply account (adik7ea.multiply.com)only since friendster isn't doing good for me and no facebook pics because it just going to be redundant and a hassle for me.;p
checking on my fave bloggers ala paredes, bianca gonzales, and patty laurel. yeah, they're all candy's judge bloggers. it's where i met ala and patty. i so love ala!she's one talented, smart and a chic young being. promising!so is ms B. patty happens to be my ultimate crush's lucky girlfriend so i get to read updates of crush as well.haha..;p.. through them i get to expand my blog radar. i just checked on other bloggers jane aldridge and rosanna aranaz whom featured by bianca in her recent account. for a clue they're one cool fashionistas! and i'm not.haha!
obviously, i'm getting myself fat here, lazying around.
oh it's holy week!better be behaving well..
here's a pic of me at my graduation: