(taken yesterday.had a better pic but was deleted by either of the two of my pamangkins.tsk!)
Here's a quick rundown of what has been in the 'it's-been-awhile."
*sometime before april 13: Holy week! Spent one whole week only in Butuan with my family!
*April 11: bid goodbye to my long wavy hair, hello to my short still wavy hair with tussle flying everywhere!
*April 12: Easter Sunday! attended the early mass and gone swimming thereafter with my relatives at Caasinan, Cabadbaran (the dagat i've grown)! departure day, bound for Iligan..
*April 13- June 3: Intensive NLE Review under Phoenix Review Center; stayed at Elena Tower Inn;roommates (Room 208):Miss B, Jade, Rhyzzah, Chez, Trisha, Panchy, and Peep, the so called 'Baby Gurlz'! c;
*April 19( i think)?: PRC registration; memorable day though I forgot the exact date.haha...;p
*June 4: Arrival at CDO, stayed at Masspec (tama ba spelling?)
*June 5: gone to Divine Mercy Hills, El Salvador with the Gangmates (champa ra pud ayo ko sa ila group ui...hehe)
*June 6 & 7: NLE DAYS!!! My testing area was at Liceo de Cagayan, CDO; same testing room with Jing2x and Tin2x
*June 8: Gone to Guadalupe Shrine with the Gangmates again plus Kate, Mer, Tin2x and Shay; crossed 9 river (same river, paikot-ikot lang); on our way back, Chez, Jing, Malet, Raine and I had the river tubing (FUN)! nagsleep-over pa jud ko sa amar ani kay kadlawon nami abot sa Iligan ni Miss B, Jenn and Trisha.. Drag Me To Hell, the movie Miss B and I watched at SM was so gross! super!
*June 9-11: BOF marathon at Amar with the Amar girls and Jupfer.
*June 12: Farewell to my Diator boardmates!! I miss you guyz!!!
*June 13: Last day in Iligan with Jupf and Gladys, accounted previously
*June 14- July 3: purely tambay sa balay, meet up with elite friends, ran errands....
*June 24: Jing2x's birthday!
*July 2: Chez' birthday!
*July 4: departure, bound for Bohol with Jupfer, Trisha and Chez!
*July 5: BOHOLovin'; stayed at Putol's residence, thanks much Pai sa accommodations! One of the best travels so far!!!
*July 13: Gheghie's bday!! Gone with elite friends and inom2x ginagmay..
*July 16: Mar2x's birthday! missed her celebration.tsk! Gone to CDO for my Lola Amparo's wake, returned home the day after
*July 18: Gone to Barobo, Surigao del Sur for my Lolo Jr's wake..returned the day after as well..
*July 24: Nanay Nanny's 73rd birthday! had Mananita for her using the videokaraoke!
*July 25: joined birthday celebration of Nanay, 'Cle Nonon, late Tatay Emil, Cousins Chelsea and Art at Caasinan Beach Resort again. Later that day gone to Barobo for another birthday celebration! Highlight of the day: ME PASSING THE NLE! weeee... God is just so amazing!!!
*July 26: Tita Tata and 'Cle Cordill advance birthday celebration!!
*July 27: 'Cle Cordills birthday and 'Te Aisa's thanksgiving party for passing as well the recent NLE!!!
*July 31: Mona and Goldie's birthday! Phoenix Review Center thanksgiving party at Gazpachos, Iligan City (absent ako)
*August 1: Shodens and Rachel's birthday! Former President Cory Aquino died of cardio respiratory arrest... May God bless Philippines' mother of democracy!